Extroverted? Constantly. Creating comfortable spaces for those around me so people are always feeling at their best is my goal. I've utilised my people skills to host a multitude of functions ranging from smaller work events to large scale social and professional events. Moreover, the range of projects that I've had the privilege of seeing through from inception to delivery can really speak for my conflict resolution skills in addition to my technological prowess.
That's all fine and dandy, but wait, there's more! 140 kg's to 82 kg's over the span of 4 years, my weight loss story showcases my dedication and willpower. The transition also allowed me to be much more fit and flexible throughout the variety of sports I play socially as well as competitively. When I'm not running in circles with some ball in my hand, I'm at home hacking away at a new technology to see how it can be implemented alongside my wide knowledge of languages and frameworks to be able to build something truly magical.
Currently a Permanent Resident in Melbourne.
A quick peek into the intricacies that have made me the all-rounded individual that I am today.
The experiences I've had really broadens my ability to tackle different types of problems, be it resolved by human connection or technological invention.
Accenture Digital
SWiM Communications
If I told you 100 years ago that I'd be able to speak with another person on the other side of the globe almost instantly, I'd be admitted for a psychiatric evaluation almost instantly. The real wonder comes from trying to figure out where we will be 100 years into the future. That's why I love technology.
React, Vue, Svelte, Blaze, Tailwind CSS, Typescript are tools that I've used to great effect. Another candidate worth a mention is the Python Django Templating Engine for it's blazing fast form page development time since it leverages Server Side Rendering.
Python Django, Node.js, Meteor.js, Next.js(the last 2 are just wrappers around Node), REST & GraphQL APIS, Flutter(Dart), Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB come to mind when I think backend. Meteor.js uses pub-sub architecture to allow seamless updates to all connected clients when the server is updated.
Amazon Web Services, Elastic Container Service(ECS), Elastic Container Registry(ECR), AWS Fargate, Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure. Getting all the apps up and running in a variety of cloud providers gives you mobility and by extension, maintainability. Did I mention Github Actions?
Jupyter Notebook, R and Anaconda, Swift, Android Studio/Jetpack, React Native allowed me to build stunning mobile apps such as a logistics app and a skin cancer detection app. Java and PHP Laravel, I find are also quite easy to use. I have worked across Linux, Mac, Windows runtimes. The more languages you know, the easier it is pick up a new one. I do fancy an afternoon poking away at ground breaking tech.
I don't bite so feel free to call me up for a chat or drop me an email.